Monday, September 23, 2013

Sea Creature of the Week

"The Sea Creature of the Week" 

The Ocean Sunfish or "Mola"
Mola mola 

Chatting with my co-worker today, she told me about a scuba diving trip she went on and all of the incredible marine life she saw! One animal in particular, was the Ocean Sunfish or most commonly called Mola. This unique creature is found in tropical and temperate waters (meaning the water is very mild or medium temperature) all over the world. Science researchers say the Ocean Sunfish are the heaviest bony fish in the WORLD! Yep, this fish, has bones and it's the only fish with bones, that weighs the most....IN THE WORLD!! Now you may think, wait, "what about whales...they have bones!?" But remember, whales are mammals-not fish! Then you might think..."wait....what about Sharks???" Remember....sharks are cartilaginous, they do not have bones, they have cartilage!  So let's not get confused! :-) 
Ocean Sunfish eat on lots and lots of jellyfish for nutrients, but are also hunted by sharks, sea lions and HUMANS!!! These creatures are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world!! With their long, oval body, tall dorsal and anal fins, and small-round tail fin, this creature is a sight to see! Check it out! (And remember, Avery Adventures post new "Sea Creatures of the Week" every Tuesday!!) 

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